The Facts About Single-Sex Schools

The Ƭapp School District (AISD) currently operates The Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders, an all-girls middle and high school.

Contrary to recent news stories and research that suggests that single-sex education is ineffective, Austin’s Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders is a successful model.

After only four years, students from the Ann Richards School have the highest academic achievement of any middle school in the Ƭapp School District. The school has also been one of two AISD high schools with the highest ranking of “Exemplary” by the state of Texas for 2010 and 2011.

Research supports the positive effects of single-sex education.  In short, single-gender schools work because they provide instructional programs that address the unique academic, social, and emotional needs of young boys and girls. The benefits of single-sex schools include: increased academic achievement, particularly among “at-risk” students; greater staff sensitivity to and awareness of gender differences in learning and maturation; increased equity in curriculum and access to student opportunities; increased exposure to positive same-sex role models; better peer interactions; greater leadership opportunities; and increased opportunities for students to pursue academic, extracurricular, and career-oriented activities without regard to gender stereotypes.

Do you have questions about single-sex education? Click below to find answers to the most frequently asked questions, or to download relevant information. You can also visit the  website for more information.


Best Practices on Single-Sex Education

Focus Group: Lessons Learned from Ann Richards