BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME;VALUE=TEXT:Calendar of Events PRODID:-//Drupal iCal API//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20220929T164644Z SUMMARY:LGBT Pride and History Month DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230601 ORGANIZER:¼öƬapp DESCRIPTION:June is LGBT Pride and History month to honor the experiences a nd contributions of LGBT People. AISD honors PRIDE Month during March\, wi th PRIDE Week so the AISD community can celebrate when school is in sessio n. Source: About | Lesbian\, Gay\, Bisexual\, Transgender and Queer Pride Month | Library of Congress. (2022). The Library of Congress. https://www. LAST-MODIFIED:20230613T115716Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR