BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME;VALUE=TEXT:Calendar of Events PRODID:-//Drupal iCal API//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20230803T170928Z SUMMARY:Austin Pride Parade DTSTART:20230813T010000Z DTEND:20230813T010000Z ORGANIZER:荐片app DESCRIPTION:Saturday\, August 12 The parade begins at 8 p.m. Free shuttles depart at 6:30 p.m. Staff\, students and their families are invited to rep resent 荐片app in the annual Austin Pride Parade. We are #AISDproud to celebrate our LGBTQIA+ students\, staff and families and to highlight our commitment to creating a safe\, supportive and inclusive environment for a ll! Length of Parade: The parade route is approximately 1.2 miles\, beginn ing at the Texas State Capitol and finishing at the Congress Bridge. 6:30 p.m.: Free Shuttles Depart Buses will depart promptly at 6:30 p.m. Please arrive early to ensure a seat on the bus and a timely departure. Note: Mid dle school and elementary students must be accompanied by an adult. Three shuttle site options: NORTH: Northeast ECHS (by the band hall) Capacity 45 o 7104 Berkman Dr. Austin\, TX 78752 SOUTH: Akins ECHS (by the band hall) Capacity 45 o 10701 S. 1st St. Austin\, TX 78748 CENTRAL: Central Office (Walmart side of building) Capacity 40 o 4000 S. IH-35 Austin\, TX 78704 E nd of Parade Shuttle Return/Pick up: At the end of the parade route\, buse s will pick up participants at the old Statesman parking lot located at 30 5 S. Congress Ave. to return to the shuttle sites. Anticipated arrival tim e is 10 p.m. depending on speed of parade flow. Drive Yourself: Limited pa id parking is available at State Parking Garage A at 1401 San Jacinto via the Trinity Street entrance. Please consider traffic. Meet at the Austin I SD school bus near San Jacinto and E. 12th St. at 7:30 p.m. What to Wear/B ring: Water\, clothing suitable for summer heat\, and comfortable walking shoes. Pride costumes and rainbow colors are encouraged. 荐片app Pride T-shirts provided to participants upon arrival. (Limited quantity\, first come.) For questions\, please email: Desfile del Orgul lo de Austin El personal\, los estudiantes y sus familias est谩n invitados a representar al 荐片app en el desfile anual del Orgullo de Austin. 隆 Sentimos #OrgulloAISD de celebrar a nuestros estudiantes\, personal y fami lias de la comunidad LGBTQIA+ y de recalcar nuestro compromiso de crear un ambiente seguro\, de apoyo e inclusivo para todos! S谩bado\, 12 de agosto El desfile empieza a las 8 p.m. Del Capitolio del Estado de Texas al Puen te del Congreso\, aproximadamente 1.2 millas Transporte: Tres sitios de tr ansporte gratuito salen a las 6:30 p.m.\, 隆Por favor lleguen temprano! NO RTE: Escuela Preparatoria de Universidad Temprana Northeast (junto a la sa la de la banda)\, 7104 Berkman Dr. Austin\, TX 78752 SUR: Escuela Preparat oria de Universidad Temprana Akins (junto a la sala de la banda)\, 10701 S . 1st St. Austin\, TX 78748 CENTRAL: Oficina Central (del lado de la Walma rt)\, 4000 S. IH-35 Austin\, TX 78704 Nota: Los estudiantes de secundaria y primaria deben estar acompa帽ados por un adulto. Regreso/servicio del tr ansporte al final del desfile: Antiguo estacionamiento de Statesman en 305 S. Congress Ave. Si desean conducir ustedes mismos: Hay estacionamiento d e paga limitado disponible en State Parking Garage A en 1401 San Jacinto p or la entrada de Trinity Street. Re煤nanse con el autob煤s escolar del Aus tin ISD cerca de San Jacinto y E. 12th St. a las 7:30 p.m. Si tienen pregu ntas\, env铆en un correo electr贸nico a: LAST-MODIFIED:20230804T131824Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR