Student Recognitions

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¼öƬapp Dual Language Seal of Biliteracy

High School Dual Language Distinction

¼öƬapp School District's Dual Language Seal of Biliteracy is awarded upon graduation to students who have completed Dual Language Seal requirements, including coursework and a comprehensive portfolio demonstrating work on the 3 pillars of Dual Language: high academic achievement, bilingualism and biliteracy, and sociocultural competency.

Benefits of earning AISD's Dual Language Seal of Biliteracy

  • Dual Language Seal of Biliteracy distinction at graduation ceremony 
  • Recognition for advanced multilingual skills 
  • Preparation for college level coursework and work toward long-term
  • goals
  • Eligibility for future employment in bilingual settings


  • 4 Spanish Dual Language World Language courses taken in High School with an average of 70/100 
  • 4 Dual Language core content courses taught in Spanish taken in High School with an average of 70/100
  • ELA Graduation requirements with an average of 70/100 
  • Written portfolio and oral presentation that includes artifacts and reflections of their bilingual education journey. The portfolio is to be presented at the yearly Muestra de proyectos event. 


  • Spanish


  • Certificate and stole to be given at the Latino Academic Achievement Awards (LAAA) and to be worn at graduation.

¼öƬapp started issuing the award

  • Class of 2022

Distinción de Lenguaje Dual de la Escuela Secundaria

El sello de biliteracidad de lenguaje dual del distrito escolar independiente de Austin se otorga al graduarse a los estudiantes que han completado los requisitos del sello de lenguaje dual, incluido el trabajo del curso y un portafolio integral que demuestra el trabajo en los 3 pilares del lenguaje dual: alto rendimiento académico, bilingüismo y alfabetización bilingüe, y competencia sociocultural.

Beneficios de obtener el Sello de Biliteracidad de Lenguaje Dual de AISD

  • Distinción del sello de biliteracidad en la ceremonia de graduación
  • Reconocimiento por habilidades multilingües avanzadas
  • Preparación para cursos de nivel universitario y trabajo hacia metas a
  • largo plazo
  • Elegibilidad para empleo futuro en entornos bilingües


  • 4 cursos de español en dos idiomas (idioma mundial) tomados en la escuela secundaria con un promedio de 70/100 
  • 4 cursos de contenido básico en lenguaje dual impartidos en español tomados en la escuela secundaria con un promedio de 70/100
  • Requisitos de graduación de ELA con un promedio de 70/100 
  • Portafolio escrito y presentación oral que incluye artefactos y reflexiones de su trayectoria educativa bilingüe. El portafolio se presentará en el evento anual Muestra de proyectos.


  • ·¡²õ±è²¹Ã±´Ç±ô


  • Certificado y estola que se entregarán en los Premios Latinos al Logro Académico y que se usarán en la graduación.

¼öƬapp comenzó a emitir el premio

  • Clase de 2022



  • GPA of at least 80% in English courses in high school
  • One of the following:
    • Completion of a minimum of three credits in World Languages (LOTE) with at least an 80% GPA
    • Demonstrate proficiency in a World Languages (LOTE) level IV or higher with at least 80% GPA. 
    • Score 3+ in a World Languages (LOTE) AP course
    • Score 4+ in a World Languages (LOTE) IB exam
    • Score a minimum of Intermediate High (or equivalent) in a National Language Proficiency exam
  • Emergent Bilinguals 
    • Met reclassification criteria to be classified as English Proficient
    • Advanced High on TELPAS


  • Languages taught at ¼öƬapp


  • ¼öƬapp transcript

Transcripted by August after the student graduated

¼öƬapp started issuing the award

  • Summer 2022



Language Proficiency exam in the last 12 months, such as:

  • AP (score 3+)
  • IB HL (4+)
  • Avant 4S (score 5+ on each skill)
  • ACTFL OPI (Intermediate Mid+)

¼öƬapp FERPA letter signed by the student's parent/guardian


All Languages with a language proficiency test available. ¼öƬapp provides language proficiency exams in the following scenarios: AP, IB, Credit by Exam, and 5th and 7th grade Dual Language proficiency exams.


Certificate issued by The Global Seal of Biliteracy

¼öƬapp started issuing the award

  • Spring 2024